Monday, July 20, 2009

Birth Ministry

Well, something has been on my heart for weeks now and I have put off blogging about it until I know its something God would have me pursue. I would like to get trained as a birth doula and possibly a childbirth educator and turn it into a ministry to provide those services to women who are desiring a Christ-centered childbirth. I am very excited about this opportunity and have recently seen or read some really inspiring stuff. Check out Refuse To Be A Wombpod's Consider The Lilies post for a beautiful birth story that truly brings honor and glory to God. Also, this video of a woman singing praise and worship to her heavenly father while in labor is absolutely beautiful! (Be sure to scroll down once you open the link to see the video.) Incidently, Cascade is the organization I'm looking into getting certified through.

So, right now I'm praying for the right timing and the money to get the training. I know God will provide and I don't want to jump out ahead of Him. In the meantime, I am reading tons and tons about childbirth, especially books and articles stressing the spiritual aspects of birth and/or gentle birthing practices. You all know how I love "Christ Centered Childbirth" and I'm hoping to soon read "The Christian Childbirth Handbook" and "Supernatural Childbirth"....I've heard good things about both of these books. I am excited to begin this journey and consider it an honor to serve women in this way.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two Birth Related TV Shows

So, I'm watching two shows (yay tivo!) that I normally don't ever watch: Birth Day and Deliver Me Home Edition. The Birth Day episode is about VBAC and I was interested to see what they would say about it. Interestingly, the show was produced in 2000 when VBAC was actually encouraged by the medical community. Of course it was totally medical model and one woman had an unnecessary repeat C (she was "overdue" at just over 41 weeks and her induction failed....of course!) but I was pleasantly surprised that they gave a lot of accurate information and seemed quite positive about VBAC. I was also impressed that DHC is still airing this 9 years later, especially now that the medical community is not so VBAC-friendly.

I'm disappointed in this Deliver Me Home Edition show and wondering what in the world is "home edition" about it? It looks like every other birth show (in hospital of course) to me. I can't for the life of me figure out why they named it that! I guess its because they follow up with families "at home".....whatever!