Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Reason for the Season

The biggest challenge for me during the Christmas season is to stay focused on Christ. Its so easy to get bogged down with buying presents and family get-togethers (and of course working in retail doesn't help!). I love the music that accompanies the montages of clips from The Nativity Story.

If you haven't seen The Nativity Story yet, I highly recommend it. Its not the best piece of movie making ever, but definitely a great one to watch together as a family and remember what Christmas really is all about!

Of course, I'll always love a Charlie Brown Christmas!

Remember David Archuleta from American Idol? The quality of this video isn't the best, but his voice is just beautiful and this happens to be my favorite Christmas song. I could have chosen a lot of different versions of this song, but I wanted to choose someone to whom I know this song actually means something. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

ACOG Changes Its Name

In a sort of at-least-they-are-finally-being-honest-and-upfront-about-what-they-really-are way, I'm glad to see ACOG has changed its name from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Now there is no question as to what their purpose is and I don't sound like quite so much of a conspiracy-theorist when I suggest that they are more of a political group than an educational one.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Sister Ate My Homework

I've been working a TON this weekend.....that's what I get for having a job in retail, right? Its been a little hard on the kids not having Mom home as much. So, today Chad brought the kids to visit me on my lunch break. Before I left for work I reminded Gavin that he needed to finish his math worksheets which was his homework for the weekend. When they came to visit, Gavin had a very sad look on his face. "Alayna cut up my homework" he said. Chad then explained that he was very proud of how Gavin did his math with no whining or complaining. He set it on the kitchen table and within minutes Alayna got her scissors and cut the papers to bits! Poor Gavin! He worked *so hard* on that math and has nothing to show for it! I promised Gavin that I would write a note to his teacher explaining that he finished his homework and it looked great, but then his sister got into it.....I had to kind of laugh when I thought of the age-old excuse "my dog ate my homework".....except we don't have a dog.....just a cutting-happy 3-yr-old who seems to find the scissors at the most inopportune moments!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Great Mama Blogs & Updates

You may have noticed that I've added a couple of new favorite blogs on my sidebar list. Modern Alternative Mama and Keeper of the Home are both written by Christian women who I've grown to respect in the short time I've been reading their blogs. I've been very interested in staying as healthy as possible throughout this cold and flu season (more so than normal this year, with H1N1 flying around and affecting *many* families I know and love) and they have provided an abundance of information regarding natural methods to staying healthy. I also love that they are both natural birthing/homebirthing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, organic eating, crunchy moms who happen to love the Lord! Their pages are full of wisdom and information....I highly recommend them!

Its been almost three weeks since Alayna stopped nursing. She still asks many times every day and I always give her the same answer: "I love you so much. I'll give you hugs and cuddles and kisses. You are such a big girl and you don't need nursies any more." I wonder how long it will take until she stops asking. Sometimes it breaks my heart, but I know its for the best. Of course, Cade is fighting some sort of flu bug or something and has been nursing almost nonstop so my boobies haven't really felt much difference! (Also makes it hard for A to see C nursing so much too.....).

Bedtime battles are getting MUCH better! We're trying very hard to have a consistent bedtime routine and I'm happy to say the older kids (Gavin and Alayna are ususally both in bed by around 8 or 8:30 now (yay!) much better than the 10 to 11 pm deal we were having for so long! Cade is still a work in progress as far as sleep goes....of course, he's dealing with sickness at the moment and I know that always disrupts sleep.....some day it will all be better, I know!

One last thing, I'm reading another great book! This is another of the great Dr. William Sears books (written along with his wife Martha) called The Successful Child. I've written in the past how much I love Dr. Sears and I also really respect his advice. I've always subscribed to the attachment parenting philosophy, but its so easy to get frustrated, beaten down, doubting myself and wondering if I'm ruining my children by not being more firm, more consumed with punishments and "teaching my kids a lesson". I'm learning that my relationship with my children *does* matter in the long run and its not just about immediate investment in them will reap dividends later on as they turn into well adjusted adults. If you want to be encouraged in the direction of attachment parenting and get some great practical ideas for the day-to-day issues that come up as mothers, I highly recommend this book!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bedtime Frustrations

I'm reading Elizabeth Pantley's The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers and realizing that I have three kids that have some very bad sleep habits and are quite sleep deprived. The following is a quote from the book with my own commentary in parenthesis:

Your child may not seem tired, because overtired children don't always act tired--at least not in the ways parents expect....Do any of these apply to your child? tends to be whiny, fussy or clingy (YES!); sucks thumb, finger or pacifier at times other than bedtime (both Gavin and Alayna suck on their shirt sleeves); is hyperactive especially at times when you think he should be tired (Cade and Gavin - yes!); is overly stubborn (Oh my, YES for Alayna!); has regular temper tantrums or easily becomes upset or angry (YUP!); has difficulty falling asleep when put to bed (that is the biggest understatement thus far); falls asleep frequently when in the car, bus or train (happens often); falls asleep in front of the television (happens occasionally); sometimes falls asleep on the sofa or floor before bedtime (I have pictures to prove this is true); takes a long time to become awake and alert in the morning (YES!); does not appear to be well rested and full of energy (YES!); doesn't seem as happy as she should be (Oh my, YES!).

So, we've got some work to do. I feel guilty that I haven't been consistent enough with bedtime, which is supposed to be 8:30, but varies depending on if I'm home or working and how cooperative they are at obeying the directions to go to sleep. I'm realizing I need to have a very consistent bedtime routine and I attempted to create one tonight. My plan was to put them all in the bathtub around 7 pm. I thought between 7:30 and 8 could be "get into jammies" time and wind down, dim the lights. Then around 8:00 we'd have a last chance to go potty, brush teeth and read a story with the final lights out at 8:30. It didn't go as planned. Bathtime took much longer than expected. After getting Alayna into jammies and turning my attention to Cade, Alayna took all her clothes off and put on her bathing suit. Of course, when I realized this I reacted in a total Christ-like manner (right!), yanked off her bathing suit and forcefully reclothed her. As they were climbing into bed (right before the story) Alayna scratched Gavin's foot with a sharp toenail. So, off to the bathroom we went to find a bandaid and clip toenails. Finally, we got back into bed and I started reading the story again. Gavin and Alayna were doing great paying attention to the story. Cade, on the other hand, was rambunxious and kept head-butting Alayna. Seems silly to get angry at a 17-month-old for such behavior, but I was furious! I scooped Cade up and it took every ounce of willpower to not hurt him. I took him to his daddy in the living room and stomped back to the kids bedroom. Cade, upset that I transplanted him so abruptly, wailed. Somehow, I got through the rest of the story and the kids promised to stay in bed (something that rarely happens....usually they come out of their beds several times and I resort to yelling and threats.....not a good night for anyone). Miraculously, by 9:30 two of the three were in bed and staying there. Cade was still wailing in daddy's arms. I went back into the living room and nursed him, which calmed him considerably, but even now, at nearly 10 pm, he's wide awake. Its going to take more reading from Ms. Pantley to figure out how to get Cade going to bed at a reasonable hour.

I know I'm not alone dealing with the bedtime battles and lack of sleep and I know it will all get better at some point. I'm just hoping (with a little help) it will be sooner rather than later. With too little sleep I am not the calm, happy mama I want to be for my kids.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Officially Weaned!

So, tonight I nursed Alayna for the very last time. I decided that I wanted to make it special so we went back in the bedroom (free from being terrorized by Cade) and I let her nurse for as long as she wanted. Normally I cut her off after a couple of minutes, but since this was the last time, I thought I'd let her go as long as she wanted. She nursed on both sides and I think noticed that I hadn't cut her off....she unlatched and asked, "why is this special nursies mama?" and I explained that this was the very last time she would nurse. She nursed another few minutes and then was done. Tomorrow will be the first official non-nursing day, so we'll see how that goes. Alayna nursed for 3 years, 5 months......way longer than I ever expected or imagined. It'll be nice to be only nursing one now and I look forward to a new chapter in Alayna's life.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is the Birth Battle of Today Similar to the Breastfeeding Battle of Yesterday?

I was talking to my mom yesterday and the conversation turned to birth and breastfeeding. She said something about how I am so passionate about birth and yet her passion is still for breastfeeding. Now, of course I am pro-breastfeeding, but it got me thinking about why I am *so passionate* about birth while she remains much more passionate about breastfeeding, even years after she nursed her kids. I'm wondering if it because I am able to reap the rewards of the battles that she and her generation fought for breastfeeding, while I am fighting the battles of my generation over birth.

By today's standards, no one doubts the superiority of breastmilk over baby formula. Ask any pediatrician who follows the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on what is the best food for your newborn baby and they will quote verbatim "the AAP recommends that breastmilk is the best food for your baby through the first year of life." Of course, they get less supportive once you've hit that first birthday, but that's another topic for another day. However, that supportive position towards breastfeeding wasn't always there.

Imagine with me. A young woman learns she is expecting. Although she and all of her siblings were fed formula, she has heard from friends that breastmilk is actually better for her baby. She does lots of research which completely supports this position and she continues reading everything she can get her hands on to do everything possible to ensure breastfeeding gets off to a good start. When she informs her doctor of her plans to breastfeed, a patronizing look comes over his face. "Oh this silly girl," his eyes seem to say, "why doesn't she realize that medical technology has created a better milk?" He may even try to convince her of all the reasons why feeding a baby formula is so much more convenient and easy. "Just think," he says, "you'll be able to go out with your friends and not be tied down at home to that's liberation! Isn't that what the girls these days want anyway?" Imagine if that woman tries to breastfeed, but with no support from anyone she knows, when problems arise she has nowhere to turn and after shedding some tears, reaches for the can of formula. As that woman grieves the loss of her body's ability to make milk and nourish her baby, well-meaning friends and family try to cheer her up by saying things like, "look at that baby......she's completely perfect and healthy......why get all upset over what type of food to give to her; just be glad you have a healthy baby....." Is any of this starting to sound familiar?

I have no idea if those were actual arguments used in support of formula-feeding. Because I live in a time when breastfeeding is generally supported, its hard to imagine a time when "the professionals" were spouting advice that is 180 degrees opposite of what it is now.

Today we don't have to fight the breastfeeding battles of yesterday, but we do have almost the same battles in childbirth. Women who want to have a natural childbirth, do their research and present it to their doctor often times are laughed at, ridiculed and patronized. Who am *I* to question the decision-making ability of someone who went to medical school and has delivered babies for "x" number of years? Do I think I'm *better* than someone else for wanting something different? If it was good enough for so-and-so, why isn't it good enough for me? When our desires to avoid inductions, drugs and machines are compromised and we end up with much more of a medicalized birth than what we had hoped for and dreamed of we are (in essence) told we are selfish to mourn our natural childbirth.....after all, our baby is healthy.....isn't that all that matters?

Looking to the future, I hope history repeats itself and the next generation will look to us with thankful hearts for the battles we fought (and won!) for them. I hope my daughter (and my sons' wives) have more choices in childbirth. I hope they look back at women who were refused food, refused a tub to ease labor pain, drugged up and were hooked up with wires to machines and think "wow! how archaic! I'm glad I don't have to go through that!" Even if they take their birthing freedoms for granted, I'll be happy, knowing I was part of the generation that paved the way!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I heart Lindsey Meehleis!

This video is inspiring! Watching it, I this my path? I don't know if I yet have the courage to go forward toward being a doula, childbirth educator or whatever God has in store for me, but its exciting to watch other women achieving that goal and I love living vicariously through them.

My Journey to a VBAC from Lindsey Meehleis on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Watching Your Due Date Come and Go

Preparing for Cade's birth, with two births (including my very powerful VBAC) under my belt, I felt like I knew everything I needed to know to have him. I was convinced he would come a week early. I went into labor with Gavin 3 days before my due date. Alayna came 5 days before hers. So, naturally I assumed that each baby would come earlier and earlier and Cade was bound to be a good 7 days early......I was WRONG!!!

I remember scheduling a "40 week" appointment with my midwife and we both joked that it would most likely not be necessary....we were both convinced I'd have Cade before that date. Knowing everything I knew that babies come when they are supposed to and as against elective inductions as I was (am), I must admit it was disappointing to not be in labor and a temptation to "take matters into my own hands". There were definitely things going on externally that made me feel pressured to have this baby SOON! My mom was in town and although I knew she'd be there for several weeks, it definitely felt like everyone was waiting around for this baby to come.

In some ways, I felt responsible that he wasn't here yet! I know that sounds silly, looking in hindsight, but I did have those feelings at the time. My dad flew in on my due date! Again, we had convinced ourselves that he'd come early and my dad would come for a week to see us. That's probably the biggest pressure I had. I *so* wanted my dad to meet his newest grandson. It would have killed me for him to come and go and not see Cade. Because of this, I did agree to have my membranes stripped (but not broken!) at that 40 week appointment....something that I didn't think I wanted to do originally. It didn't really do anything for us right away, but Cade came in his own timing, 5 days past when he was predicted.

That brings me to why I'm posting this today. "The Unnecesarean" has a new guest post about being Postdates and does a great job talking about what that really means. I think when we're in the situation, tired of being pregnant, family is waiting for baby and we're really, really, *really* ready to get this show on the road, I think its a great idea to get our head back in reality and know that our babies really do know the best time to come....its not always when we think it should or will be. I was so grateful to my midwife for her encouragement, assuring me that I was healthy, Cade was healthy....we just needed to wait and not hurry him earlier than when he's ready. I'm reminded that not all women have someone in their life who will encourage them this way. In fact, many women have the exact opposite....a provider who is feeling rushed, wants to induce or schedule surgery, plants seeds of fear that something might be wrong with her baby and pushes for decisions to speed things up. During these times, the best thing we can do is pray for peace. Non-stress tests for the baby are great at easing our worry that something is wrong.

A friend just had a beautiful baby girl at home at almost 42 weeks. Baby was posterior, but she had a fast labor (an hour and a half!) and she jokes that the experience was "almost orgasmic"! That makes me smile! In the mainstream obstetric world, she would have been put through the system, probably induced, who knows what else. Her head would have most definitely been filled with seeds of doubt that her baby would be healthy, that she'd start labor all on her own. But as it was, with a knowledgable and caring midwife to care for her at home, she kept a positive attitude the whole time and it certainly paid off in the end!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The past couple of days have been amazing. Reading The Christian Childbirth Handbook and The Nurturing Touch at Birth have really put an excitement in my heart for becoming a doula. However, I'm really struggling right now with the timing of it all. With everything else going on in my life, can I really add something else that will eat up my time? Will my children suffer if I'm gone even more at births? What about my marriage? I've already decided that when I do this it will be on a very limited basis....maybe one to two births per month. Also, I feel very strongly that this needs to be a ministry, not a business and I am currently working a retail job in the evenings once my husband is home to watch the kids, which doesn't mesh well with the unpredictibility of birth. Women will need me to commit to being available for them but I also want to be of good character at work and not start missing work all the time because I'm at a birth. So, it creates a bit of a quandry for me and I'm trying to figure out if God wants me to get all the details worked out first or if he wants me to step out in faith and trust him to work out all the details. Of course I want to trust him, but I also want to be responsible and not damage my reputation at my current job.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Excerpts from "The Christian Childbirth Handbook"

I'm so excited! UPS just dropped off the first of two books I ordered from Amazon last week. I'm glad that Cade is napping (and Gavin and Alayna are at school right now) which gives me the perfect chance to thumb through this book. My first impressions are "This book is amazing!" I've already fallen in love with "Christ Centered Childbirth" by Kelly Townsend and I've been really excited to dig into this one as well. What I really respect about it is that really follows an "everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial" format which (of course) is very biblical. I'm hoping to use both books (Christ Centered Childbirth and Christian Childbirth Handbook) in my future doula ministry. What will be a challenge for me is to support and advocate for women during pregnancy without "coloring" them with my own personal beliefs about natural childbirth. Here's some excerpts to demonstrate what I mean:

Though the Bible gives us standards and principles, there is very little in the way of 'Thou Shalt Not' when it comes to giving birth. It is probably no surprise to you that families can read the same Bible and believe they are called to different actions. Listed here are some of the most common debates in Christian childbirth with the Biblical reasoning given from each side....Be willing to explore both sides of each issue, searching the Bible for clear understanding. When you are done, God may have given you a new outlook on a topic you thought you understood, or he may have strengthened your faith in things you already believed......

Is Childbirth Supposed to be Painful?
Yes: Pain in childbirth is a consequence of the first sin. (Gen. 3:16)
No: I have been redeemed. I am not under the curse and so do not have to suffer the consequences as they pertained to giving birth. (Galationas 3:13)

(More examples given...I just picked one point each for "yes" and "no")

Should a Christian plan to use pain medication?
Yes: My faith and freedom in Christ allows me to use medication in labor. (Romans 14:1-4)
No: I want to use wisdom and discernment to make sure I only resort to medications if they are medically necessary so I do not add risk to the health of my baby or mine. I will not plan to use them because I am afraid. Instead, I'll let God strengthen me. (Galatians 5:13, 2 Tim. 1:7)

And it goes on with headings such as "Stewardship of Good Nutrition", "Spiritually Healthy Pregnancy" and "Making Positive Lifestyle Changes" before it gets into the nitty gritty with the stages of labor, birth planning and dealing with labor challenges.

I am so excited to read this book looks very thorough in the topics it covers and its so refreshing to read it from a Christian worldview.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gotta Love Video Birth Stories!

All I can say after watching this is WOW!!! If you love reading birth stories, you'll LOVE watching this video of the births of three children, two by cesarean and one by VBA2C!!! Be sure to read the letter that scrolls at the end of the video. I had to pause it a few times (what can I say, I'm a slow reader!) but I thought it was a great ending to a fantastic video.

Cesarean vs. VBAC: A Dramatic Difference from Alexandra Orchard on Vimeo.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Uphill Battle to VBAC

I found an article today from several years ago that got my attention titled Mother Sues Doctor Over Cesarean. It got my attention because I had never heard of anyone successfully winning a case because an unwanted (and unneeded) cesarean was performed. I think the only reason the woman actually won the case was because of the horrible complications that resulted from the surgery. There are a number of things that stuck out to me as incredibly sad about this story. Here's a quote:

She went into labor and again asked to try for a VBAC, however another doctor in the practice performed a cesarean instead.

Its stated so matter-of-fact. She wanted a VBAC, but a doctor performed a cesarean. But, then I try to put myself there.....what really went down? I imagine a laboring woman pleading for the right and ability to birth normally. She's in labor. Everything seems to be normal. Then "another doctor in the practice performed a cesarean". It never says "they convince her to have a cesarean." No where in the article does it suggest they had any sort of consent from her. Did they drug her, knock her out and extract her baby? I cannot imagine the trauma that would cause and I don't know how any doctor in his/her right mind could think that was ok!

Another thing that saddens me is that this article was written in 2007....not sure when the case actually came about, but probably shortly before the article, I would assume. So, what has happened since then? Absolutely nothing! There are more "VBAC bans" now than ever before. Doctors continually bully women into surgeries they don't want. I believe it is only a matter of time before there are more surgery-related complications and lawsuits to follow. I don't like that. I've never been a fan of lawsuits. "The fear of litigation" is a huge reason given of why VBACs are so rare nowadays. What will it take for doctors to respect women and allow them to fully participate in their care? Am I dreaming to even think its possible?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Power of Silence

I thought this was a really good article about the Power of Silence when giving birth. I'm not a huge supporter of unassisted birth, but the ideas in the article are right on!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Must-See Video

This is a 17-minute video that (I think) does a fabulous job of explaining our maternal health care crisis and offers suggestions to improve it. A must-see video for anyone who is pregnant, may become pregnant in the future or is simply concerned with the overmedicalization of birth in the United States.

Reducing Infant Mortality from Debby Takikawa on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Taking Herbs to Aid Postpartum Recovery

This is a great article from Midwifery Today about herbs that can help speed recovery during the postpartum period. It specifically talks about taking care of your perineum and I thought it would be great information for someone who wants to avoid pain pills (or take as few as possible)and also to speed recovery from any tears you may have. You can also click over to "Part Two" of the article where it talks about more severe tears. One of the items was "Witch Hazel" which is the one thing I recognized as they do give those witch hazel pads in the hospital and I couldn't have survived without them for the first week or so postpartum.....that and the numbing spray! Maybe soaking in some of those herbs would have sped things up a bit.....if anyone ever trys it, let me know how it works!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Canada Gets It ~ America, its time WE got it, too!

A facebook friend of mine posted this article about the troubling rise in C-sections the other day and I wanted to share it here because it is quite a rarity to see such accurate information in the mainstream media. Of course I talk a lot about avoiding c-sections and sometimes I think I am misunderstood as some sort of "hater of women with c-sections" which is absolutely funny to me since I *am* a woman who has had a c-section. (See my c-section story here.) And my c-section WAS completely necessary....I am completely grateful for the procedure that quite possibly saved my son's life! However, it was through my fight to VBAC that I realized the ridiculousness of the things they do to a woman in labor that many, many times results in a c-section....things that could have easily been avoided.

Another thing I learned through my dealings with OBs (either myself or my friends experiences) is that most OBs view a cesarean as "just another way to be born" so sometimes I wonder if they don't really think all that badly of doing so many interventions because, well, if we need to we can just do a c-section. In fact, since my first child was born by c-section, I used to have similar attitudes. I had no idea why some women got so excited about birth. "Just a means to an end," I'd say, "as long as the baby is healthy" which *of course* we all want our babies to be healthy, but if I can have a healthy baby and be a whole mama who is going to physically recover faster, be more-quickly bonded to my baby and have an experience that brings me closer to God, my husband AND our baby, then that's what I want! I don't think that makes me selfish.....or maybe it does, but I don't think its a bad thing.

Well, that rant kind of came out of nowhere! Thanks for letting me go off a bit and I really do hope you enjoy the article!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Birth Ministry

Well, something has been on my heart for weeks now and I have put off blogging about it until I know its something God would have me pursue. I would like to get trained as a birth doula and possibly a childbirth educator and turn it into a ministry to provide those services to women who are desiring a Christ-centered childbirth. I am very excited about this opportunity and have recently seen or read some really inspiring stuff. Check out Refuse To Be A Wombpod's Consider The Lilies post for a beautiful birth story that truly brings honor and glory to God. Also, this video of a woman singing praise and worship to her heavenly father while in labor is absolutely beautiful! (Be sure to scroll down once you open the link to see the video.) Incidently, Cascade is the organization I'm looking into getting certified through.

So, right now I'm praying for the right timing and the money to get the training. I know God will provide and I don't want to jump out ahead of Him. In the meantime, I am reading tons and tons about childbirth, especially books and articles stressing the spiritual aspects of birth and/or gentle birthing practices. You all know how I love "Christ Centered Childbirth" and I'm hoping to soon read "The Christian Childbirth Handbook" and "Supernatural Childbirth"....I've heard good things about both of these books. I am excited to begin this journey and consider it an honor to serve women in this way.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two Birth Related TV Shows

So, I'm watching two shows (yay tivo!) that I normally don't ever watch: Birth Day and Deliver Me Home Edition. The Birth Day episode is about VBAC and I was interested to see what they would say about it. Interestingly, the show was produced in 2000 when VBAC was actually encouraged by the medical community. Of course it was totally medical model and one woman had an unnecessary repeat C (she was "overdue" at just over 41 weeks and her induction failed....of course!) but I was pleasantly surprised that they gave a lot of accurate information and seemed quite positive about VBAC. I was also impressed that DHC is still airing this 9 years later, especially now that the medical community is not so VBAC-friendly.

I'm disappointed in this Deliver Me Home Edition show and wondering what in the world is "home edition" about it? It looks like every other birth show (in hospital of course) to me. I can't for the life of me figure out why they named it that! I guess its because they follow up with families "at home".....whatever!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Your Body is *Not* Broken

I found this blog post by Birthkeeper over at Midwifery Ramblings and wanted to share it. The post is a bit old, but the advice will never be so. I think this is so wonderful because I know so many women who have a "failed induction" and they feel like a their body doesn't work right. They may even sign up for a cesarean next time since they don't believe their body knows how to go into labor. Isn't it great to know that your body isn't broken? Your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to.....exactly the way God made it to work. I just love it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two Types of Care ~ Did you know you have a choice?

I spend a lot of time talking about midwives and how wonderful I think they are, but it recently occured to me those who have never been in the care of a midwife may not really know what the difference is between the care received by a midwife compared to the care received by an OB-GYN. Did you know that there are two models of care? Midwives and OBs actually follow completely different models of care....this was something I never knew until I started learning more about midwives. So, what are the differences? Take a look at this article which compares the Midwifery Model of Care with the Medical Model of Care.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Listen to Your Mama Instincts

As mamas, we've all had times when we "had a gut feeling" about something and we either listened to our mama instincts or we explained it away as an irrational thought. Maybe our hearts were telling us one thing and our popular culture was telling us differently. How many times have you heard someone say, "I was up 4 times with the baby last night and I finally just brought him to bed with me. I know, I know, its horrible. I'm creating such a bad habit." I always want to say, "Why is that horrible? And who says its a bad habit?" Usually the answer is something like "my doctor said my baby should be sleeping through the night in his own bed by now..." but we need to remember that doctors don't study sleep habits in medical school. They're a great help when my baby has a fever or to figure out what that strange rash is, but there are a few things I've learned not to talk to doctors about and sleeping habits and breastfeeding issues are two things I don't even discuss with them.

I'm not trying to say everyone should cosleep; it works wonderfully for some families and for others, its not such a great solution. I just want you to not feel guilty for making choices about your mothering that may go against the grain of what popular culture is telling you what you "should" be doing. I believe God gives us those "mama's intuition" moments to nudge us in the direction we should go. Sure, there is a time for "tough love" and allowing our children to make their own mistakes even though it eats us up inside, but all too often we push aside that small voice and give our power over to "the experts."

Links of the Day:
I wanted to include a few links I found today that I really like.
Ask Dr. Sears - I really respect Dr. Sears' perspective on things. He is a great resource for lots of issues that arise in our mothering and he is supportive of a more natural way of parenting.
Giving Birth Naturally - So have I peaked your interest with all the natural childbirth stuff? If so, you'll want to check out this site. Lots of information about natural childbirth classes, birth plans, how to pick a provider and much, much more!
1 in 3 Post by Bellies and Babies - I found this blog post and thought it was very well written about why we should be concerned that one out of every three babies is born by cesarean section.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Christ Centered Childbirth" by Kelly Townsend

For anyone who is pregnant or might become pregnant in the future, I would like to recommend the book "Christ Centered Childbirth" by Kelly Townsend. I read this when I was pregnant with Alayna and found it not only informative, but it transformed my apprehensiveness into peace. It brought the focus back to God where it belongs. It helped me not "worry" so much and trust that God will take care of me and my baby. I saw this review of the book and thought it was so well said, I'd include it here. The author makes a reference to Romans 12:2, so I looked it up. The verse is familiar to me, but I'd never thought about it with birth in mind and I'd like to share it with you.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

What is the current "pattern of this world" in the birthing world? Go to an OB, do whatever they tell you to do, conform to their standards and protocols regardless of whether or not what they are advising is (a) true and (b) in the best interest of you and your baby. I would encourage all women to not be afraid to challenge their doctor....ask questions like "why are you advising me to be induced?" and "Am I healthy? Is my baby healthy? What is the reason for this intervention?" Also, pray for discernment that you will know when there really is a medical need and when your doctor is not thinking in your best interest.....c-section because the baby is "taking too long" or might be "too big", induction because you're two seconds passed your due date or the doctor isn't going to be on call this weekend. You can always ask "is this the only option....what are my alternatives and what are the risks/benefits to those alternatives?" Someone I know would always ask herself "what is the next best thing?" if what she wanted turned out not to be a possibility.

I honestly do believe that my mind has been renewed by everything I've learned about birth in the last 3 or so years. God wants us to draw close to Him and I think for many women (me included) he uses childbirth to reinitiate that relationship.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Depending on Christ through Childbirth ~Part 2~ To VBAC or Not to VBAC....That is the Question!

Now that you know the story of my firstborn, you can understand why was quite apprehensive to have another child. I always thought that I'd want my first two children two years apart, but as Gavin approached the age of 2, I knew I wasn't ready. I just needed some more time, though, because shortly after Gavin turned 3, Chad and I were ready to add the next member of our family. The big question for me this time was "Am I even going to try a vaginal birth or should I just have a repeat c-section?" I wouldn't even allow myself to consider a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean...pronounced V-back) until I had a doctor's appointment and got a green light. With all of the complications and additional surgeries after my cesarean, I wasn't even sure if I would be a good candidate. A friend recommended an OB who was known to be supportive of VBAC and I made an appointment and told him my story (the cliff notes version, lol!). I then asked him what he thought and he said, "well, I'll definitely need to see your medical records and surgery notes to make sure there aren't any surprises, but from what you've told me I don't see any reason why you couldn't have a trial of should only go that route if you *really* want to have that vaginal birth experience. I used to do VBACs all the time in the '90s, but times have changed and its become a lot more controversial....not because of safety concerns, its because of legal issues....really its complicated but you just need to know that not as many doctors allow VBACs any more so unless you *really* want it, I'd advise having a repeat c-section...of course (he chuckles) having a scheduled c-section would be much easier on me so of course that's what I'd recommend. You just think about it and we can talk about it next time." Looking back, I am so thankful for the honesty and integrity of this man. I have heard of so many women who have been lied to and told they couldn't or shouldn't VBAC for a number of reasons, many of which have turned out to be bogus. I personally know women who were told that their pelvis was just too small for that 9 lb 8 oz baby and then they go on to VBAC a 10+ lb baby. If you are not considering VBAC because you have been told this, please do some research and find out how baby's position actually has much more to do with how easily he comes out than does size.

I went home from that appointment with mixed feelings. On one hand, it would have made my decision-making much easier if he had told me it would be too dangerous for me to VBAC, with my previous scar issues and all. I remember how he pointed out that "that was your skin....not your uterus" when I expressed the concern that if I'd already ruptured once, doesn't that make me high risk for rupturing again. Scheduling a cesarean would make planning my mom's visit from Michigan much easier. Chad was definitely in favor of me having surgery "just because we know what to expect." However, there was this little part of me that knew if I didn't try.....if I didn't at least try a vaginal birth, I'd never know what it was like. Would I wonder if I could have had a positive experience and a quicker recovery? Later down the road, would I regret it if I don't at least give it a shot? So, after lots of thinking and praying and through tears, I decided I would try this VBAC thing.

My biggest fear was actually not uterine rupture (the major fear doctors have). My biggest fear for this birth was that of disappointment. Would I get all hyped up for a VBAC only to fail and end up with a repeat c-section? I decided that I was going to read everything I could get my hands on and do everything possible to avoid a c-section. I quickly learned that because of the fear of litigation, doctors will call a c-section much sooner on a VBAC mom than they might otherwise for a non-scarred mom. I was going to have to have a "textbook labor" (with not even a hint of complication) if I was going to be successful at avoiding the cesarean.

I went to my next OB appt. feeling great now that the weight of decision-making had been lifted. I informed him that I had made a decision (he smiled as he anticipated what he thought would be my decision to have RCS) and that I'd like to try the VBAC. As soon as the word left my lips, his smile vanished and he let out a sigh. I wondered where my VBAC-supportive doctor went, but he recovered, smiled again (although it was a much more forced smile) and said "Ok, no problem. We will just make sure we induce you early and.... (I interrupted him). "Um, why would I be induced?" "Well, we'll need to make sure I'm on call when you go into labor. If you go into labor during the week, I'll be there to deliver your baby. But if you go into labor on a weekend, I share call with 5 other doctors, so I'm only on call every 6th weekend. Some of the doctors would probably let you deliver vaginally if you presented in labor, but other doctors aren't so supportive of VBAC and might force you to have a cesarean." I was completely caught off guard. Not wanting to be disrespectful, I just told him I'd have to "think about it." I went home, did more research on the risks of being induced and went back to my next appointment with reasons why I wasn't so keen on being induced. "Doesn't it increase my risk of a uterine rupture?" I asked. "Well, technically yes," he said, "but it doesn't increase it that much...we're talking less than a percent difference". Side note: I just love how doctors pick and choose which risks to downplay and which risks to scare the living *** out of their patients.....sorry, had to go off about that a little bit.

So, since Dr. S pretty much gave me an ultimatum (be induced or else...) I decided that at 20 weeks (halfway through my pregnancy) I needed to find a new provider. Like I've already said, I do respect Dr. S for his integrity and I'm sure he's a great surgeon, but he wasn't the right provider for me if I wanted the best chance at a successful VBAC. My friend (who was feeling horrible by this time that she'd recommended someone who wasn't quite as VBAC friendly as we first thought) found a new doctor for me to try. Dr. K was known to be supportive not only of VBAC, but natural childbirth as well.

So that brings me to my introduction to natural childbirth. I always giggle when someone uses the term "natural childbirth" when they really mean "vaginal childbirth". Different people have different opinions of what actually constitutes a "natural childbirth" but for my definition, I'm going to define it as an approach to childbirth which believes that your body knows how to give birth and if mother and baby are healthy, it is wise to let labor start on its own (no induction of labor), continue on its own (no augmentation) and generally requires little medical intervention. We who believe this are thankful for the life-saving technology that exists, but don't think the majority of healthy women really need it. Also, most women opt to not take pain medication as it has been known to slow down labor and in many cases leads to other interventions that wouldn't be necessary if the pain medication had not been given.

I need to add at this point that my reasons for deciding to go drug-free with Alayna were vastly different than they were with Cade. With Alayna (being my first VBAC) my only reason was to assure a successful VBAC. I know an epidural doesn't slow every labor down, but I would have been so disappointed with myself if it affected mine and I could have prevented a c-section. Once I had my first VBAC (and I survived it!) I realized all of the added benefits. Alayna was so alert....I'd never seen anything like it. I know this will sound unbelievable, but she practically crawled (scooted really) from my belly (where they placed her right after birth) up to my breasts, looking to nurse. She looked like a baby bird with her mouth open looking to latch. It was a 180 degree difference from all the suckling problems I had with Gavin. I also couldn't believe how incredibly good I felt immediately after birth....not the drugged haze I was in after my c-section. Granted, the amount of drugs given for a c-section is huge compared to what is given for a vaginal birth in an epidural, but for me, not feeling drugged was worth it. And then there's that rush of endorphines that flooded my body at the moment of birth that filled me with love and tears of joy....the best feeling I've ever had.....I'm so glad my body was fully alert to experience that. You can read all the details of Alayna's birth in my family blog.

Almost two years after Alayna's birth, I had my third child, another boy whom we named Cade, my second natural VBAC. The only difference this time was that I'd decided that midwives are much better than doctors at attending a natural delivery (doctors are great when there are problems, but midwives are the experts at natural childbirth!) and so I signed on with a practice of midwives instead of finding an OB. Cade's birth was a bit more traumatic (you can read the details by clicking on the link) and I had a rougher post-partum period, but I had an awesome that I'll remember and cherish always.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Depending on Christ through Childbirth....aka....You gave birth with no drugs??? Are You Crazy???

So, the short answer is "Yes, I gave birth without pain relieving drugs (twice actually) and no I am not crazy." I actually have three beautiful children and in order to explain why I will have to tell you a story that will probably end up being very long but hopefully you'll begin to see how this really has been a journey for me. Just as a disclaimer, I get very detailed about my births in this post, including my cesarean and the complications that followed. If you are pregnant or at a place where reading scary birth stories might not be a good idea, you may not want to read further.

I was 24 years old when I became pregnant for the first time. I had been married about a year and it just seemed like the right time to start a family. During that first pregnancy, I did everything right....ate the right foods, avoided all the things I was told to avoid. I had a very uncomplicated pregnancy (except for all the "normal" stuff like horrible nausea, fatigue and pretty bad swelling in my feet toward the end). We knew we were having a boy and had decided on the name Gavin Dean. Gavin was simply a name we liked and Dean is my father's middle name. We attended a local childbirth education class and got your run-of-the-mill typical hospital class. We made a birth plan, but since I really didn't know what I wanted, it was pretty standard to the hospital's policies. I was open to getting an epidural....I guess I assumed I'd need one since I have such a low pain tolerance. However, I don't know why, maybe I wanted to see what my body was capable of, but I didn't want to get it right away. I wanted to wait as long as I could....heck! Maybe I wouldn't even need one at all!

On July 12, 2002 my husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate after having a very successful day at work. We went to a steakhouse and I ate *so much* that night, possibly forgetting that I was 9 months pregnant.....4 days short of my due date. Later that evening I felt so sick and wondered why I ate so much. Chad had early morning plans to go waterskiing with my dad the next day (which was a Saturday) and I didn't want to disturb him, so I layed on the couch and was back and forth to the bathroom for several hours. It never crossed my mind that I might go into labor that night. I had just had an appt. with my OB that morning and I remembered her saying, "you aren't dilated at all. I can't make any predictions, but I think I can safely say you won't go into labor today. After that, I can't make any promises." Plus, this was my first baby and I had heard over and over again that first time moms *always* go passed their due date. The more time that passed, the worse I felt. It got so bad that I started to think I shouldn't wait until morning. Even though it was close to 2:00 a.m., I started thinking maybe I should call the on-call doctor. I woke Chad up and told him I wasn't feeling well and maybe we should call the doctor. There was a long pause (he later admitted that he was trying to think of a way to lovingly assure me that I was fine and to just come to bed). Then it happened! GUUUUSSSSHHHHHHH! Wet everywhere! I said, "Ummmm, either I just peed myself or my water just broke." That got him out of bed!

We raced around throwing things together. I called the on-call doctor (the same OB I had seen that morning). She was surprised to hear from me, but said I should probably go to the hospital and get checked out. Contractions started right away and they were pretty intense. In the car, we started timing them. It was hard for me to know when they were starting, so we timed them from the peak of one to the peak of the next. 3 minutes apart. Next one was 4 minutes apart. Next one was 2 minutes apart. Chad said, "You must not be doing this right....they are not supposed to be that close together this early." I practically yelled, "how am I supposed to know if I'm doing this right? I've never done this before!!" Looking back, it seems kind of funny, but it was incredibly intense at the time.

When we arrived at the hospital, there was a flurry of activity as the residents checked me out and my doctor was soon called. They kept telling me not to worry about them...just concentrate on my labor. I *was* concentrating on my labor, but of course as soon as they told me not to worry, I started worrying! They also offered me an epidural, but I declined at that point. The contractions were intense, no doubt! But they didn't seem overwhelming.....I felt like I could manage the pain. When my doctor came and saw that I was barely dilated to one cm and I was contracting like I was in active labor, she was concerned. She said, "there are two things that are concerning me. The first is that with each of your contractions, your baby's heartrate is going way below normal. The other is that you are contracting very actively, yet you are only dilated to one cm. We don't know how quickly you will dilate, but it probably will take many more hours and we don't know how much of this your baby can handle. We can wait a little while if you want, but we may need to talk about a cesarean section.

My. Heart. Stopped. Cesarean? I'm going to have a cesarean? The idea of having surgery was not even on my radar that night. All of a sudden, I thought of my mom. See, I was born by cesarean mother's first baby.....surgically removed from her womb. Fetal distress. Just like my baby boy. That's when I started to cry. My mom came into the room (she had been in the hallway calling my dad) and heard the news that I was being prepped for surgery. To be completely honest, I had mixed feelings about going in for the c-section. I had definitely not planned on going under the knife that night, but another part of me was excited that I was going to meet my baby much sooner than expected and relief that the incredible pain would be over within minutes.

Once the spinal took effect, they wheeled me into the OR. I remember having some creepy thoughts about it looking like one of those rooms where they take convicts on death row.....death by lethal injection. It also kind of reminded me of Jesus dying on the cross. (The table actually does look a bit like a cross, with your arms out to the sides, strapped down.) Kind of strange in a creepy sort of way that my only two thoughts were about death when I was about to bring new life into this world. The surgery itself was a bit surreal. Its hard to wrap your mind around what they are actually doing......and knowing you're awake the whole time! The one horrible side effect I remember was my entire body shaking. My teeth were chattering and I probably couldn't have kept my arms on the table if they hadn't been strapped down. My anesthesiologist was a grandfatherly sort of man. He sat by my head during the entire surgery and said, "I can give you something for the shaking if you want, but you need to know that it will probably make you very sleepy." I was so afraid of falling asleep. This was my big baby was being born and I was NOT going to fall asleep! "No, I'll be ok," I said. However, after just a few more minutes of shaking, my arms started cramping and I knew I needed to take something. "Ok, give it to me....I can't take this anymore!" I still remember to this day the feeling of relief and rest as my muscles relaxed and the shaking stopped. I felt good......really, really good....and really tired. Maybe I could just close my eyes for a couple of minutes....NO! STAY AWAKE!!! Do not miss this! I remember them bringing Gavin to me and saying "here's your baby....congratulations mom" and I was like "oh, wow, thanks" and then conk! Out like a light! I awoke in recovery and at some point my doctor came to talk to me. I was told it was a good thing they did the c-section. My placenta had prematurely separated from my uterus (a rare condition called Placenta Abruption) cutting off the oxygen supply to my baby....this explained the heart rate drop.

Although Gavin seemed ok, they wanted to admit him to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for observation. It took about 30 hours until he was released. I believe I saw him twice during that time. This part of the story is hard for me because I believe mistakes were made and no one was communicating with me what was going on. They knew I was planning to breastfeed. It was written in my birth plan and they either ignored it or lost it during the change in plans to a surgical birth. They gave him formula in the NICU....even though I had pumped milk for him. Oh I was so mad!

Gavin and I had a horrible time with breastfeeding. I didn't realize it at the time, but I now know that we weren't bonding the way a mother normally bonds with her newborn and I was heading for post-partum depression. Friends and well-wishers would say things like "what a beautiful baby....don't you just love being a mom?" and on the outside I'd smile and say "sure, its wonderful" but inside I had no idea what they were talking about. I felt horrible!

Exactly one week from the day Gavin was born, we were having a particularly rough night and Gavin refused to latch on to nurse. I got so upset that I walked into the bedroom, laid Gavin on my bed and angerly hoisted myself up onto the bed....rrrrriiiip!!! What was that? I looked down at my incision and thought, "no, no way, that is not what I think it is." I carefully took my pants off and saw a small trickle of blood coming from my incision. Oh Lord, what did I just do? I called my doctor (a different on call dr. than the one who performed my cesarean) and described what happened. She didn't seem very concerned. "It can be normal to have a small amount of blood." We got off the phone, but about 5 minutes later I called her back. I just didn't believe this was normal. "Well, if it makes you feel better, you can go to the ER and get checked out." It was late at night by the time we arrived at the ER. We waited for my mom to come over to watch the baby and it was nearly 11 pm by the time we arrived at the hospital. I had put a maxi pad horizontally across my incision to catch the blood as we transported to the hospital and when the ER technician took it off, blood burbled from the that moment, I thought I might die. I imagined Chad as a single dad struggling to bring up this little boy on his own. I pleaded with God not to take me yet. I didn't want to leave my new little family with no mother. Thankfully, they got the bleeding under control. They gave me morphine and that's the last I remember. When I awoke, I was informed that they would be taking me to a room. I hadn't even processed it in my head that I was being readmitted to the hospital. Chad looked awful! Like he'd been up all night....then I saw a wall clock.....4 am......he HAD been up all night! I told him to go home and get some sleep. I'm sure my mom was worried sick and I was also worried about Gavin not having anything to eat. I knew we had some formula at was the free stuff they give you in that diaper bag "gift" at the hospital. As much as I hated the thought of him having the formula, I couldn't think of any better option at this point until I was well enough to pump some milk for him.

I think I'll stop this part of the story here for now. It really could go on for pages, but you get the picture of how horrible this experience was for me. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and was released to go home. I had home health nurses coming to my apartment to change my bandages twice a day. Oh, I guess I do need to explain one more thing. See, when they put me out with the morphine, they reopened my incision to clean it all out. They did not reclose it due to a risk of infection. I really didn't completely get this until that first dressing change in the hospital, but my incision was not closed. It was packed with gause and bandaged. It was the worst pain I had ever had.....way worse than the contractions during labor.....and it was a very different pain. Not like a muscle pain like contractions, this was like a stabbing horrific pain. I was told that the incision would heal naturally over time. After 3 months, it still wasn't completely healed. I saw a plastic surgeon and had my third surgery in that short 3 month period. It was called a "scar revision" surgery, but my doctor tried to make me feel better by telling me I was getting a free tummy tuck!

Ok, this post has gotten so long that I need to stop for now. In my next post I'll talk about my next pregnancy, my decision to VBAC and all the obstacles along the way.