Sunday, August 2, 2009

Canada Gets It ~ America, its time WE got it, too!

A facebook friend of mine posted this article about the troubling rise in C-sections the other day and I wanted to share it here because it is quite a rarity to see such accurate information in the mainstream media. Of course I talk a lot about avoiding c-sections and sometimes I think I am misunderstood as some sort of "hater of women with c-sections" which is absolutely funny to me since I *am* a woman who has had a c-section. (See my c-section story here.) And my c-section WAS completely necessary....I am completely grateful for the procedure that quite possibly saved my son's life! However, it was through my fight to VBAC that I realized the ridiculousness of the things they do to a woman in labor that many, many times results in a c-section....things that could have easily been avoided.

Another thing I learned through my dealings with OBs (either myself or my friends experiences) is that most OBs view a cesarean as "just another way to be born" so sometimes I wonder if they don't really think all that badly of doing so many interventions because, well, if we need to we can just do a c-section. In fact, since my first child was born by c-section, I used to have similar attitudes. I had no idea why some women got so excited about birth. "Just a means to an end," I'd say, "as long as the baby is healthy" which *of course* we all want our babies to be healthy, but if I can have a healthy baby and be a whole mama who is going to physically recover faster, be more-quickly bonded to my baby and have an experience that brings me closer to God, my husband AND our baby, then that's what I want! I don't think that makes me selfish.....or maybe it does, but I don't think its a bad thing.

Well, that rant kind of came out of nowhere! Thanks for letting me go off a bit and I really do hope you enjoy the article!


  1. Great rant! I love it. I am also very against c-sections, but like you, I don't want to come off as a hater of women with c-sections, because ironically I've had two! But I'm still planning a VBAC.
    Also, whenever people tell me "Healthy baby is all that matters" I say, yes, but a c-section doesn't neccesarily make a healthy baby. In rare instances it is great and life saving, but my baby was sick because of the c-section. (Fluid still in her lungs when she was born, pulmonary hypertension and 5 days in the NICU). It's not just another way to be born with equal consequences.

  2. Hi, just stumbled onto your blog while perusing NursingBirth's. It's so wonderful to see other Christian mothers who are into natural parenting! I also had a necessary c-section, but am hoping to VBAC with the next baby, whenever we are blessed with another.

    I think your desire to be a doula is wonderful. I'm very lucky to live in an area with Christian doulas.
