Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Officially Weaned!

So, tonight I nursed Alayna for the very last time. I decided that I wanted to make it special so we went back in the bedroom (free from being terrorized by Cade) and I let her nurse for as long as she wanted. Normally I cut her off after a couple of minutes, but since this was the last time, I thought I'd let her go as long as she wanted. She nursed on both sides and I think noticed that I hadn't cut her off....she unlatched and asked, "why is this special nursies mama?" and I explained that this was the very last time she would nurse. She nursed another few minutes and then was done. Tomorrow will be the first official non-nursing day, so we'll see how that goes. Alayna nursed for 3 years, 5 months......way longer than I ever expected or imagined. It'll be nice to be only nursing one now and I look forward to a new chapter in Alayna's life.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you for nursing her for so many precious years. you rock! xoxo
